Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014 - Moscow, Idaho


Surprise! Yo girl is in Moscow, Idaho! It's another college town. It's the college town for University of Idaho. Sister McWilliams is my new companion. She's way cute and hilarious. We've been having lots of fun. This has seriously been the craziest week ever though. In my new area, last week we had 12 PROGRESSING INVESTIGATORS. I thought those numbers only happened in South America and Africa. But I saw it with my own eyes this week. CRAZY. It blows my mind. We are so busy all the time and I seriously can't keep up. I'm dead tired by 9:00pm and practically pass out on the couch while we're planning. Its so great!

Tuesday morning I got the call from my mission president that I was getting ET'd (emergency transferred). We had appointments all day long and I didn't have any time to pack. We got home at 8:00pm and I hadn't even started gathering my belongings. So Sister Simpson packed all my study stuff and I did everything else. I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF. Ridiculous. I was packing until about 3am and then I had to wake up at 4:30am to meet the transfer van to take me to Moscow, Idaho. I had a solid hour and a half of sleep. I was absolutely charming when I got to Moscow. (100% sarcasm. hahaha) I really did try to be happy... but I hadn't eaten all day and I needed sleep. I told Sis. McWilliams that I was moody and this isn't actually how I am. We had appointments all night. 

Wednesday was smashed with Tuesday.

Thursday was weekly planning. We were planning all day.

Friday we had a crazy amount of lessons. I don't remember all of what happened. We're just always busy. 

We were on exchanges on Saturday! I was in a married student ward with Sis. Rasmuson, an STL (sister training leader - a sister who helps train new missionaries) . The other STL is Sis. Rasmussen. Crazy. I know. President has a sense of humor FOR SURE. :) We had lots of fun. We pretty just just did service and ate food. :)

Sunday we had 5 investigators in Church! HOLLAAA! I didn't know that was possible either. We had to get up early for ward council and I was totally falling asleep in sacrament meeting. I was being a GREAT example. Hahaha. I tried so hard to stay awake. Then we went to appointments and I met more people and lots of investigators. If I get left to this area without Sister McWilliams, I'm seriously going to die. I don't know how to handle all this work. Its insane.

Last transfer we were asked to read the Book of Mormon in 6 weeks (the length of time between one transfer). I learned SO MUCH. I wasn't able to keep up, but the things I did learn were absolutely unforgettable. My favorite scripture was Mosiah 2:41 "....consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things...." I have been surprised at the amount of people who begin investigating the church because they notice that Mormons are happy. I love it. We as members are happy because we keep the commandments. we know our purpose and know why we are here and where we are going. We are "blessed in all things"

I love all of you. Write me letters. :)

All my love,

Sister Gardanier

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